Giant Spoon
display ads & social
Aside from the technical solution for facebook text rule after initial request from the HP Omen team was encountered on first draft.
To avoid facebook display ad text density rule was to create this simple animated tabs to reveal part of the player heavy stats to something that would not be rejected in an ad.
hp/windows fb ad
Solution for facebook text rule after initial request from the HP Omen team to avoid facebook display ad text density rule was to create this simple animated tab.
fb banner
Solution for facebook text rule after initial request from the HP Omen team to avoid facebook display ad text density rule was to create this simple animated tab.
display ads (anim)
hp OMEN initial direction. New designer was hired to complete this along with a full social set for facebook, youtube etc.
fortnite lama pin
Created Party Royale Fortnite pin for the HP Omen Team. Illustration, alternative versions and hang tag was created.
Collab with Tibi/OMEN team
bliss ads
Display banners for bliss beauty line at Target using existing brand guidelines.
Collab with Meaghan + Sharon Murf
hp print security resource guide
Created a guideline presentation for the Wolf / Fixer HP campaign usage guidelines featuring Jonathan Banks.